Out of tune - A Poem By The MindHacker
Out of tune. “Love is an interesting idea,” Govinda noted, “but it’s one that can imprison some minds rather than free them. Like fire, it depends on the mind using it to see how it will ultimately be used.” - A Heart Blown Open: The Life & Practice of Zen Master Jun Po Denis Kelly Roshi
Drop all desire Existence starts to flow My body, my spirit go
Truth of spontaneity Shows all amazing Experiences
Caught by one That transcended But ego grabbed it
Now falling Back into samsara Losing the tune
Lost connection to the source A fog clouds purity Mirror becomes dusty
Why is this Is how I am now Grasping for it again
Diving through the blackness Swimming through fog A memory…only memory….
Come up for breath Start to dance again And I forget all but this
The sun comes out Brilliant, shining Away go the clouds
Mirror reflects again Connection to the ultimate Is again vibrating
Retrospection shows me How to fall And rise again